– What is your passion?

I have always being a very logical person who enjoyed solving problems. These characteristics were essential when I decided to follow the engineering path and programming. Once I started working it felt really good to see that what I was doing had an impact in real life problems and into people’s lives. I love working with something that gives so much room to growth. It makes me excited to go to work everyday knowing that I can learn more, do more, provide good solutions that will impact someone’s life even if it’s just in a small way.

– What is the most fun in the assignment you do? Will be the most fun?

The whole process of development is very fun. It can also be frustrating on difficult days, but when you finally get to a good solution or when you finally understand an issue, it feels incredible. It feels like fun!

Looking into my new assignment, I’m really excited to start as software programmer with autonomous vehicles. The autonomous drive is a pretty new area to me so there is a big learning potential.

– Three words that describes you best?

Overthinker, Caring, Adventurous.

– Why were you curious about Carabiner?

Carabiner provided an opportunity to explore challenging areas in the automotive industry at the same time that have always shown care to the people it brings in. Because of that, I could see that our visions aligned and that working with Carabiner could be a great experience both personally and professionally.

#WeareCarabiner #engineering