I have a general passion for programming and technical problem-solving. My main motivation on programming is that it is a competence that requires a lot of practise, experience and knowledge to master, while at the same time being a very useful skill to have.
It is always a good feeling when you are able to contribute in solving a difficult problem, and therefore I enjoy any environment where this is possible. I also find motivation in teaching. To me it is another way to use my own skills and knowledge in a constructive way, and at the same time directly helping someone else.
What are you doing in your free time?
In my free time I like to climb. Out of all the climbing disciplines, I like bouldering the most. As the name suggest, it is about climbing actual boulders, usually not more than a couple of meters high.
Although, the majority of the time I am bouldering at an indoor climbing gym. Climbing suites me well because it requires a good combination of physical strength, technique and problem solving.
Apart from climbing I also like to solve programming challenges on Codewars. This is both fun and educative, and in my opinion, a great platform to sharpen your problem-solving abilities as well as your coding skills.
What made you curious about Carabiner?
Working with embedded systems is something I find interesting in general, but I was especially intrigued by the opportunity to also be working with autonomous driving, which in my opinion is one of the most interesting areas of technology today.
The atmosphere of a smaller company is also a nice change, having previously worked at a larger company.
Describe yourself in three words.
Driven, goal-oriented and a problem-solver.